Submissions from 2025
A Model for Advocacy: Advancing Policy Change in Support for Patients with Medicaid, Betsy J. Becker and Jenae Pope
AI Made Simple: A Practical Guide for PT Practice, Stacie Mae Larreau Christensen, Brad Dexter, and Megan Frazee
Submissions from 2024
From Textbooks to Clinical Practice: Selecting and Implementing Outcomes Measures in Stroke Rehabilitation, Stacie Mae Larreau Christensen and Monica Dial
Designing Effective E-learning Modules: Exploring Best Practices in Module Navigation, Stacie Mae Larreau Christensen, Lukas Pohlmann, Elizabeth Lyden, Elizabeth L. Beam, and Stephanie Langel
Exploring the Interplay Between Physical Activity Wellness, Social Networks, and Academic Performance in PT Students, Grace C. Johnson, Kellie Gossman, Tessa Wells, and Betsy J. Becker
Submissions from 2023
Does Implementation of a Lifestyle Medicine Curriculum Affect Student Wellness During Doctor of Physical Therapy Education?, Betsy J. Becker, Kathleen G. Volkman, Tessa Wells, Nicole M. Sleddens, and Teresa Cochran
Submissions from 2022
Student wellness during curriculum implementation of a lifestyle medicine approach within the Social-Ecological Model: a longitudinal study, Betsy J. Becker, Anne Skinner, Tessa Wells, Kathleen G. Volkman, Nicole M. Sleddens, and Teresa Cochran
Student wellness during curriculum implementation of a lifestyle medicine approach within the Social-Ecological Model: a longitudinal study., Betsy J. Becker, Tessa Wells, Kathleen G. Volkman, Nicole M. Sleddens, and Teresa Cochran
From Zoom to the Clinic: Unique Student Challenges in Physical Therapy Clinical Education, Amy Both, Jaclyn Catherine Carson, Matthew B. Garber, Heather Marie Mack, and Nicole M. Sleddens
Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship Program Mentoring Structure: A Survey of Program Directors, Darren Q. Calley, Kirk R. Bentzen, Megan Frazee, and Matthew D. Haberl
Immediate vs Delayed Feedback in a Progressive Musculoskeletal E-module Case for Clinical Reasoning Development, Megan Frazee, Krista Gipson, Elizabeth Lyden, and Stephanie Langel
Gender-Specific Effects on Muscle Activation During Incline Treadmill Walking: A Virtual Perturbation Study For Future Astronauts, Jie Hao, Robin High, and Ka-Chun Siu
Developing a Rapid Assessment Program for Student Success in Clinical Education, Nicole M. Sleddens, Betsy J. Becker, Grace Johnson, and Joseph F. Norman
Zoom in to Fitness: A Novel Way of Bringing Fitness Experts to Seniors, Tessa Wells, Jenna Boyd, Gabriel Fisher, Victoria Kranz, and McKenzi Petricko
Submissions from 2021
Can incline treadmill walking protocol be augmented by visual perturbation for physical therapy use?, Jie Hao and Ka-Chun Siu
Effects of Virtual Reality Intervention on Neural Plasticity in Stroke Rehabilitation: A Systematic Review, Jie Hao, Haoyu Xie, Kimberly Harp, Zhen Chen, and Ka-Chun Siu
EASE-ing DPT Students into the Acute Care Environment, Nicole M. Sleddens, Tessa Wells, Stacie Mae Larreau Christensen, Kellie Clapper, and Lora Pieper
Enhancing the Patient Experience through Innovative Quality Improvement Education, Tami Struessel, Betsy J. Becker, and Nicole M. Sleddens
Submissions from 2020
The use of immersive 360 videos to induce different strategies of postural control, Chenfan Gui, Jung Hung Chien, and Ka-Chun Siu
The effect of inclination on lower extremity inter-joint coordination during treadmill walking, Jiani Lu, Jung Hung Chien, and Ka-Chun Siu
Designing a course to acculturate professional behaviors of international students in physical therapy education, Nicole M. Sleddens, Kathleen G. Volkman, Betsy J. Becker, Ka-Chun Siu, Michael Smith, and Joseph F. Norman
Reaching the Summit: From exposure to immersion in quality improvement in physical therapy education, Tami Struessel, Nicole M. Sleddens, and Katherine J. Jones
Declined Treadmill Walking Eliminates Asymmetric Walking Pattern in Healthy Young Adults, Yuhang Zhang, Ka-Chun Siu, and Jung Hung Chien
Submissions from 2019
Developing Interactive Curricular Elements with Teams of Faculty, Staff and Students, Betsy J. Becker, Sara Bills, Robert H. Fuchs, Kellie Gossman, Tessa Wells, and Peggy Moore
Multi-campus DPT Programmatic Development in a Public University: Leadership Considerations, Betsy J. Becker, Teresa Cochran, Joseph Norman, and Kyle Meyer
Global Initiative of the University of Nebraska Medical Center to Improve Physical Therapy Education, Care and Science in China, Betsy J. Becker, Joseph F. Norman, Kyle Meyer, and Ka-Chun Siu
Enhancing Scholarly Productivity Among Physical Therapy Faculty through Professional Networks, Betsy J. Becker, Gilbert Willett, and Victoria Kennel
Who's in the Inner Circle? Exploring Network Connections Among Health Professions Faculty for Career Advancement, Maureen Becker, Elsie Wordekemper, and Betsy J. Becker
Valuation of Scholarly Activities for Physical Therapy Faculty, Tony Rost, Mitchell Thompson, Harlan Sayles, Gilbert M. Willett, and Betsy J. Becker
Planning and Implementation of Physical Therapy Services in an Athletic Training Pro-Bono Clinic: An Administrative Case Report, Tessa Wells and Scott Unruh
Submissions from 2018
Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization, and Feelings of Decreased Personal Accomplishment Oh My: What Message Are We Sending To Our Students?, Nikki Sleddens and Betsy J. Becker
Submissions from 2017
Evaluation of a Student-Centered Digital Education Project in Health Science Education, Betsy J. Becker
Transforming Physical Therapy Education Through the Use of Social Network Analysis, Betsy J. Becker and Sara E. Bills
Use of a Team Building Activity to Teach Clinical Decision-Making Concepts to Physical Therapy Students, Robert Fuchs and Betsy J. Becker
Filling the gap. Clinical skill acquisition with interactive online modules to supplement traditional instruction, Keriann Shaw, Betsy J. Becker, Nicole M. Sleddens, and Robin High
Submissions from 2016
Feasibility of mHealth technology use among a sample of isolated rural men at high risk for cardiovascular disease, Betsy J. Becker, Christine M. Eisenhauer, Carol H. Pullen, Paul J. Dizona, and Patricia A. Hageman
Step Up to the Plate! Using Multimedia Content and Game Winning Strategies for Implementation, Betsy J. Becker and Peggy Moore
Using active learning strategies to teach DPT students how to assertively address inappropriate patient sexual behavior (IPSB), Betsy J. Becker, Kathleen G. Volkman, and Robin R. High
Use of Distance Delivery Interventions (web-based, mHealth, telehealth) for Hard-to-reach, Vulnerable Midlife and Older Individuals, Patricia A. Hageman
The Impact Of E-Learning On Physical Therapy Students’ Clinical Skill Development, Taylor Majerus, Marissa Johnson, and Betsy J. Becker
Click Here! E-Learning Modules for Innovative Instruction and Learning, Nicole M. Sleddens, Betsy J. Becker, and Sara E. Bills
Submissions from 2015
Health Related Quality of Life in Persons with Type 2 Diabetes in a Rural Community Served by a Critical Access Hospital, Betsy J. Becker, Terry F. Nelson, Robin High, and Pat Hauer
Submissions from 2014
Evidence for the use of exercise in patients with breast cancer to reduce cancer-related fatigue, Betsy J. Becker
Multidisplinary Simulation in Physical Therapist Assistant Education, Betsy J. Becker, Nikki Sleddens, and Ian Thompson
Submissions from 2013
Integrating Best Evidence into Practice: Outcomes of a Community-Based 12-week Exercise and Education Intervention in Women with Cancer, Betsy J. Becker, Katherine J. Jones, Patricia A. Hageman, and Ruth VanGerpen